Redesign for Yakima Theater


Project Brief:
  • Redesigned and built a website for a small business.
  • Outcome:
  • The original:
  • My design:
  • Tools
  • Balsamiq for lo-fi
  • Figma for hi-fi prototype
  • Bootstrap 5 for implementation
  • What I learned:
  • analyze and identify flaws in an existing interface
  • create prototypes for various screen sizes
  • code in HTML with Bootstrap5
  • Scope
  • School Project
  • Solo work
  • 1 week, 2022 Fall
  • Why Yakima Theater?

    If you’re a small business, your website has a big impact on your success!

    The website I have chosen to redesign is Yakima Theatre's official website. Yakima Theatres is a family-owned chain of movie theaters in Washington state. The theater has been there since 1912 and survived the pandemic. It is my favourite movie theater to visit whenever I am in the area. They have a great staff and nice environment but their website is unattractive and poorly designed. I believe their business could profit from a redesigned website. Link to the web


    Major issues:
    1. Navigation bar took too much space on the page
    2. Sign in button and social media logo are placed in unconventional locations
    3. Some information on the right hand side are not important
    4. It's unclear to a first time users that they have 3 locations
    5. The colors do not have strong contrast with each other
    1. Their logo on the top banner uses so much space that users must scroll down to view any content.
    2. There is no padding around the "Please Choose Location" button.
    3. There is no line or color to delineate each menu option.
    4. The Facebook logo and "sign in" button are placed in unconventional locations. Users might have trouble finding them.
    5. The yellow color does not have strong contrast with the blue color or the white color. It is hard to see words written in the yellow color.
    6. The information on the right hand side uses too much space.
    Usability, Learnability and etc
    1. There are three different locations for Yakima Theatres but each has a different name. A first-time user may not understand what each one is.
    2. Users can only choose two of the three locations under the "Please Choose Location" button. The thrid location has its own website which can be navigated to using a button in the right sidebar.
    3. It is not clear what time a particular movie showing ends.
    4. The "Choose Location" button is too close to the "Showtimes" button, making it hard to click.
    5. The "Choose Location" button and the "Showtimes" button do not synchronize when a location is selected.
    6. It is not clear what users should search for in the search bar.
    7. The purpose of the "Theater Info" section is not clear. Users would likely expect to find locations, pictures of the theaters, and other such content, but the page only contains rules and instructions for purchasing tickets.

    WAVE: A Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool

      To better understand the website's problem, I use WAVE to test the accessibility. I agree to most of its findings. Some same errors are already identified in the previous section. WAVE helps me find 1 errors and 1 warning I didn't notice earlier.

    • Missing first level heading on their home page
    • Redundant link in email sign-up section

    • There is one error that don't really show on the page but in their code

    • The empty link is an error in their code but not shown on the page. There is no button or text that allows user to click on the empty link on their website.

    Solving problems in my Low-Fidelity Prototype

    Lo-fi for Desktop Layout:

    Lo-fi for Mobile Layout:

    Lo-fi for Tablet Layout:

    Visual Design Guide

    Based on their logo, I envisioned the website to have the same blue and yellow color theme. After researching other movie web services, I settled on the dark blue as the ideal theme color. The dark color helps users recall their experience in the theater.

    High-Fidelity Prototype

    The annotations are the corresponding HTML elements.

    Responsive Webpage Implementation

    I wrote the HTML code with styling in Bootstrap5 for my redesigned website. Feel free to change the width of your browser to see how the web app react to the changes. Click me Or copy link here:

    (You can click on the large "Yakima Theater" heading to exit)

    Known Error: It takes time for the server to respond. Do not refresh or resize the screen too quickly or large blank space between the navbar and the main content will appear. View on Chrome for the best user experience.

    Local Host Desktop View (Chrome)

    Responsive Check: tablet (Chrome-ipad air)

    Responsive Check: mobile (Chrome-iphone XR)

    Code Snippets

    Movie card implementation

    Header implementation with responsive behavior to all screen sizes

    Conclusion & Takeaways

    1. for (User testing + Redesign) {return: Success!}

    From this project, I learned that it's really important to do user testing even after launching the product. There are some features that may be useful in the past but not anymore nowadays. For example, the printing out movie schedule feature was useful when Internet was not common. However, as the Internet is fully developed, people can just go on the website anywhere anytime. They don't really need the print feature on the main page.

    I also found it easier to find the flaws in the app-flow and usability problems when I'm a user. Even though designers designed the interface in users' shoes, it's still hard to make it perfect.

    2. CSS + Hi-fi = Big Time Saver!

    It was a big time saver to think about what code I should use when I make my hi-fi prototype. With my CSS notes on hi-fi, I was able to develop my code quick and neat.

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